Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Constitution Tuesday

In an effort to educate myself and my children on the Constitution of the United States of America, I have dedicated every Tuesday to be "Constitution Tuesday."  Please join us every Tuesday to learn a little bit more about this inspired and important document.

The 13 Colonies

So these lessons are probably going to range from the very basics for the children and thought provoking quotes and stuff for adults. Sometimes it's necessary to review the basics. Today's lesson is on the 13 colonies. In the 1600's the English began settling in North America and establishing colonies. The new world seemed promising, but it was a tough life starting from scratch. Can you name the 13 colonies?  I couldn't, but now I can.  Here they are in chronological order:
  1. Virginia - 1607
  2. Massachusetts - 1620
  3. New Hampshire - 1623
  4. Maryland - 1632
  5. Connecticut - 1635
  6. Rhode Island - 1636
  7. Delaware - 1638
  8. North Carolina - 1653
  9. South Carolina - 1663
  10. New Jersey - 1664
  11. New York - 1664
  12. Pennsylvania - 1682
  13. Georgia - 1732